Test your live chat to avoid car sales crashes

Canadian auto dealer recently had a less than stellar chat experience with a Canadian dealership. Many experts suggest chat is an excellent way to engage customers. We agree. But make sure you test it out from time to time to make sure your chat is driving sales not disappointment.

October 19, 2011 chat session

> Kate: Hello.
> Kate: Welcome to our live chat!
> Todd: Hello Kate, that was quick.
> Kate: How may I help you?
> Kate: Hello Todd.
> Todd: Well, your window popped up and I was intrigued.
> Kate: Are you looking for a New or Pre-Owned vehicle?
> Todd: Do you mind me asking where you are located?
> Kate: We are located at (dealership address provided, Information deleted)
> Todd: Oh, the dealership is there. But are the (chat company’s name) 
 operators in Canada or in the GTA area?
> Kate: I am the Online Operator for our dealership.
> Todd: So you work out of that location?
> Kate: Yes.
> Todd: How is (the dealer principal’s name) doing today? 🙂
> Kate: May I know which model you are interested in?
> Todd: How is the new (vehicle name) selling?
> Todd: The commercials look pretty good.
> Kate: Thanks.
> Kate: Is there anything else I can help you with?
> Todd: No, I think I’m good for today. But thanks!
> Kate: You’re welcome.
> Kate: On behalf of our sales and management 
 team, “Thank You for visiting our website”!
> Kate: Please enjoy your stay on our website.
> Kate: Have a Great Day.

A few moments later, another chat window popped up, so we picked up the conversation, or so we thought, but it went sideways.

October 19, 2011 chat session about five minutes later…

> Operator: Hello
> SYSTEM: One moment please.
> SYSTEM: You are chatting with ”Nikki”.
> Todd: Hi Kate
> Nikki: Hello Todd
> Nikki: Welcome to our live chat!
> Todd: Didn’t we just chat a few minutes ago?
> Nikki: How may I help you?
> Todd: Are you the store’s online operator?
> Nikki: I am the Online Operator for our dealership.
> Todd: I was just chatting with Kate and asked about the new (vehicle name). 
 Are there two of you there? (long pause)
> Todd: Are you there Nikki?
> Nikki: Please hold while I access this information.
> Nikki: Thank you for holding.
> Todd: I asked about the new (vehicle name) but 
 Kate didn’t pursue it. Are they selling well?
> Nikki: Our inventory is constantly changing and updating.
> Nikki: Yes.
> Todd: Sorry…Which inventory do you mean?
> Nikki: May I have the appropriate person check availability and contact 
 you with that specific information?
> Todd: Which specific information? I’m getting a bit confused. I was just 
 asking about sales of the new (vehicle name). I want to get a sense if they 
 are popular cars right now. I’ve seen the TV ads.
> Nikki: Unfortunately our New Vehicle inventory is not posted online.
> Todd: It seems we are having different conversations right now.
> Todd: You are giving me answers to questions I’m not asking! (long pause)
> Todd: Nikki? Am I on hold again?
> Nikki: No.
> Todd: Are you mad at me?
> SYSTEM: Operator has ended this chat.

About Todd Phillips

Todd Phillips is the editorial director of Universus Media Group Inc. and the editor of Canadian auto dealer magazine. Todd can be reached at tphillips@universusmedia.com.

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