Category: Editor’s note

Pick up the phone

October 14, 2011

Dealer phone call leads to lunch chat In my first editor’s note in this space, I wrote that I loved getting reader feedback and hearing from dealers. That’s why I was so happy to pick up my phone and hear …

Wanted: Young guns

August 11, 2011

Are you ready for the next generation? There’s a lot of interest in issues like succession planning, the lack of a solid bench strength for our industry, and questions about where the future leaders of Canada’s automotive retail industry are …

Shifting Gears

Got an opinion? We’d love to hear it. The first thing you’ll notice in this issue of Canadian auto dealer is that my picture replaces the picture of our longtime editor Gerry Malloy in this spot. But all is well …

Words of wisdom

September 21, 2010

From somebody who really knows This summer, I had the privilege of sitting down with Marcus Breitschwedt, president and CEO of Mercedes-Benz Canada, for an in-depth chat about that company’s phenomenal success in recent years, and the reasons behind it. …

Cautious optimism

A healthy perspective to maintain Over the course of the Canadian International Auto Show in Toronto and the NADA convention in Orlando, in February, we had the opportunity to talk with key players from every facet of the auto industry, …