AWIN collects 6,151 lbs of food items, donates $10K to food bank in GTA

This holiday season the AWIN Group of Dealerships collected over 6,151 pounds (or approximately 2,790 kilograms) of non-perishable food items for the Daily Bread Food Bank to help fight hunger in the Greater Toronto Area.

In a news release the group said it had also contributed $10,000 to the organization. AWIN dealerships across the Greater Toronto Area have also helped the food bank distribute more than 33,000 additional meals over the past two years in hopes of improving food insecurity in the community.

This year’s collaboration with the food bank is meant to highlight AWIN’s commitment to social responsibility and a future where no one in the community goes hungry.

“We are incredibly grateful to our team, clients, and partners for their continued support of the Daily Bread Food Bank. Together, we are making a meaningful difference in our communities,” said Pauline Chuang, Vice President of Human Resources at AWIN Group of Dealerships, in a statement.

She added that giving back is an integral part of who they are.

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