Cold weather range loss varies significantly by model, Audi E-Tron best

December 15, 2022

All electric cars experience some range loss in cold weather, but the amount varies widely by model, according to a new report from battery analysis firm Recurrent. The company, which produces battery health reports for used EVs, published a similar report last year. This time, though, it has more data, with model comparisons based on information from about 7,000 vehicles. This year’s findings reinforce what Recurrent reported last year: that cold weather affects EV range differently for each model. It can be a big difference, too. In freezing versus 70-degree temperatures, the Chevrolet Bolt EV had the biggest average range loss, at 32%, while the Audi E-Tron seems to endure cold weather the best of the models surveyed, losing just 8% of its warm-weather range when temperatures drop. Read original article here.

About Todd Phillips

Todd Phillips is the editorial director of Universus Media Group Inc. and the editor of Canadian auto dealer magazine. Todd can be reached at

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