Gen X and Baby Boomers have thirst for adventure, including road trips

A new survey from Mazda Canada reveals Canadians have a thirst for adventure and that, despite misconceptions about aging, Gen X and Baby Boomers are showing no signs of slowing down.

According to the OEM’s news release, the survey shows that Gen X (age 44-59) and Baby Boomers (age 60-78) view themselves differently than how they saw their parents at this phase of life (72%), and they are not looking to reduce their momentum. Instead, Mazda said they want to use the time they have left in life to take on new challenges (66%) as, for 71% of respondents, exploring new interests gives them a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

“Eighty-two per cent of Gen X and Boomers say they enjoy their current phase of life — and they are more likely than Millennials and Gen Z to say they enjoy this stage,” said Mazda Canada. They added that 66% of Gen X and Boomers feel like they have more freedom to explore new interests now, compared to when they were younger. And that 66% of Gen X and Boomers are interested in travelling to new places. Out of that group, 55% have expressed an interest in going on a road trip. 

“We know many Canadians live an active life with dreams to fulfill, and it’s inspiring to know the mindset that many older generations are embodying — one that’s full of adventure, an interest in travel and exploring new passions,” said Sandra Lemaitre, Director of Public Relations and Corporate Affairs at Mazda Canada, in a statement.

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