How to enhance your service department

Allow your customers to schedule, check in, customize, and check out of their service appointment in a more efficient way at any time of day. Your advisors can cut down waiting lines, and you can ensure customers are presented upsells during every write up.

GoMoto is the enhancement your service advisors need. It will help them focus on more profit driving tasks rather than spending time keying in information and answering phone calls about appointments.

Two images overlapped. Service drive and service advisor helping a customer at a GoMoto kiosk.

GoMoto kiosks can:

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Significantly reduce lines and check-in time down to two minutes.


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Promote trade-ins and appraisals with vehicle equity detection.


GoMoto Express Kiosk

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Increase revenue with consistent upsell offers at every check-in.


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Improve efficiencies in recording customer information.

Create a better service experience for both you and your customers.

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Three GoMoto kiosks that will fit any dealership’s needs.
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Easy screen navigation and self-service capabilities.
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QR code and Mobile check-in options.
Woman scanning QR code on GoMoto kiosk screen with her phone.

Request a demonstration of GoMoto to see how a self-led check-in option helps customers and simplifies service operations.