Hyundai Canada, Hyundai Capital Canada, CDK Global, and PBS Systems joined forces to raise $15,283 during the annual Hockey Helps the Homeless (HHTH) tournament to support people experiencing homelessness in York Region, Ont.
In a news release, Hyundai Canada said this was its second year participating in the tournament. The funds will go towards helping kids in crisis (through 360°kids) and enabling housing stability for vulnerable community members (through Blue Door), which all connect to the issue of homelessness.
“Supporting the important work of 360°kids and Blue Door through hockey, a game that is close to many Canadians and is a core pillar for Hyundai in Canada, has been incredibly rewarding to our team members,” said Kirk Merrett, Director of Human Resources and Administration for Hyundai Canada and board member at 360°kids, in a statement.
Hockey Helps the Homeless has provided more than $24 million since its inception in an effort to fight homelessness on a national level. On its own, the York Region tournament has granted over $1.7 million to local partner agencies, which provide support services to people that are currently experiencing homelessness.
“We are delighted to join hands with Hyundai Canada and Hockey Helps the Homeless — a wonderful cause that brings positive change to our communities,” said Jen Cole, Vice President of OEM Business at CDK Global, in a statement.
“Playing with purpose applies in all aspects of life, not only on the ice,” said Lynn McNeill, Senior Vice President of PBS Systems, who also offered a comment. “PBS Systems is pleased to support Hockey Helps the Homeless and the meaningful work they do to help eliminate homelessness.”